Air Conditioner maintenance can help you minimize the need of repair and save you money. The most energy-intensive appliance in your home is likely your HVAC system. Assuming that you’re similar to most mortgage holders, you’re likely searching for techniques to lessen your energy costs by working on the adequacy of your climate control system. You can also consult air conditioning companies.
What are a Few Ways to Increase Air Conditioner Efficiency?
Here are simple tips you can use to increase your air conditioner efficiency.
Keep Vents Clean
Airflow restriction reduces the efficiency of your air conditioner and makes your house uncomfortable. Dust or vacuum vents on a regular basis to keep the air flowing, and don’t obstruct them with blinds, furnishings, or toys. Make a habit of going around your house and inspecting all of the vents.
Change Air Filter
Air flows poorly through dirty or clogged filters, putting pressure on your air conditioner. When the unit doesn’t have to work as hard, A/C efficiency improves, so change your air filters every three months or as suggested by the manufacturer. Remember that less dirt and dust in your house improves indoor air quality.
Clean The Outdoor Shade
Debris in the vicinity of the condenser can decrease efficiency. Check for dirt, branches, leaves, or other objects that may be blocking the unit and remove any that you discover. Turn off the power and open the panel if required to clean the fins. In the heat, shade the condenser unit so it doesn’t have to work as hard.
Clean Drain Line
The drain line by the indoor cooling coil can clog up, potentially causing a blockage and water damage. It can be cleaned with chlorine bleach. Pour one cup of it down the A/C drain and flush a gallon of water down the drain. This is especially useful in summer when your air conditioner is working its hardest.
Don’t Use the Hair Dryer on a Hot Day
Allowing conditioned air to exit through open doors and windows waste energy. Keep your AC covered when they are on. Turn off the air conditioner and open a few windows if you prefer a cool atmosphere. This can help you save energy, but only while your AC system is operating.
Don’t Place the Thermostat Near Heat-Producing Appliances
Thermostat has a significant effect on your AC efficiency. For example, it may misread the temperature if it is near a lamp, a heat-producing appliance, or in full sunlight. As a result, the A/C will operate as if extra cooling is required. This raises expenses due to decreased air conditioning efficiency and the possibility of repairs due to increased wear and tear.
Install Window Coverings
Install curtains or shades if you don’t already have them. These can prevent some heat from entering your house. Close drapes and blinds on windows that receive direct sunshine to avoid unnecessary heating, which causes your AC system to work harder.
Increase Thermostat Temperature
Keep your thermostat low in winter. It will improve air conditioner effectiveness. Adjust it higher in the summer to reap the same advantages (using a ceiling fan can make it feel cooler even though the temperature setting is raised). Upgrading to a programmable thermostat, which can autonomously establish temperatures for specific times of day and be controlled from your smartphone, can help.
Has Ductwork professionally insulated
Exposed ductwork in your attic or crawlspace can result in a significant amount of cooling and conditioned air being lost. This will allow the technician to clean and identify any leaks that can be repaired, leading to better A/C performance.
Although your air conditioning system can keep you comfortable, it can also lead to high monthly utility bills. However, these measures can help you enhance the efficiency of your AC. Some of these measures require only small changes in your behavior, while for some you will have to hire AC repair services Vienna.