
What You Shouldn’t Do After Hair Transplantation

What You Shouldn’t Do After Hair Transplantation

After getting a hair transplant surgery, there are a number of things you should take precautions for, otherwise, you can ruin your entire hair transplant procedure.

Driving Right After The Procedure

Hair transplantation procedures are done under sedation. After the surgery, you might feel a little light headed and groggy, which is completely normal and nothing to freak out about. What you shouldn’t do is drive yourself home after the surgery. Sometimes, the sedative dosage could be too high and you can faint. You don’t want this to happen while you are driving. Make sure that, after the surgery, you have someone who can take you home.

Do not drive right after the surgery, otherwise the consequences could be harsh. Having someone who can be your driver will ensure your safety. The sedative usually takes about 24 hours to wear off, so you should be resting properly that time, and not doing any extensive, brain-heavy work.

Sleeping Flat On Your Head

For a couple of weeks after your hair transplantation, you should take care not to sleep flat, with your head in direct contact with the sheets. This can irritate the wound present on the back of your head, which is the norm when you get a hair transplant done. There will be a visible scar on the back of your head or sometimes on your scalp, for a long time.

You should not sleep completely flat for a couple of weeks, until the wound recovers fully. You don’t want your wound or scar to hurt too much. So, what you should do instead, is to sleep with your head elevated and untouched with any sort of surface. You can easily do this by stacking some soft pillows on top of each other and putting your head on top of the stack, with your neck relaxed. This will make sure that you sleep comfortably and your wound doesn’t touch anything.

Extreme Sweat-Inducing Exercises

Another thing you shouldn’t do after you have had your hair transplant done, is extreme exercise. Exercise will induce sweat, and if you sweat too much, it may infect your healing scar. You don’t want your scar to be moist or damp, by anything. Sweat will also make your wound sting. If you don’t take care of the scar properly, then it might lead to infections, which is a whole issue in itself. If you really must exercise or work out, try light exercises, like yoga or walking.

Not Taking Care Of The Wound

The wound or scar is the most intimidating thing after a hair transplantation procedure. You should properly take care of the wound. You don’t want to keep it wet or under any sort of pressure. You should always ice it a few times a day to alleviate the scar and help it heal faster. You should also not sleep directly on top of your scar. This can make the scar not heal on time. Instead, for a few weeks, you can try to sleep on your side or with your head elevated. In this way, your scar will not be under pressure and it will heal quickly.

Dyeing Your Hair

Hair dye has a lot of chemicals in it which cannot be good for newly transplanted hair. The hair is already weak and finding its place to grow, so if you are hasty and begin to apply chemical-rich hair dyes on your hair, you could ruin your entire hair transplant procedure.

Scrubbing Too Hard

You shouldn’t scrub your head too hard either after some weeks of getting a transplantation procedure done. Your hair will be weak and the scar will be fresh, so rubbing or scrubbing too hard can lead to damage and you can actually break the hair. So, when shampooing, massage your hair gently with your fingers and use a chemical-free shampoo to prevent irritation in your scar. After a few weeks, you can vigorously scrub your hair.

These are the things you should avoid doing at all costs, after getting a hair transplant done, otherwise it will be a waste of your money and time. So, follow the advice of your hair transplant doctor to steer clear of post-hair transplantation issues.

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